We have been using YouTube service since a long time for Upload, Share and View videos. But is it just the YouTube gives us? Well YouTube have been performing different tests on implementing on newer and newer things. When I just browse YouTube, I get some stale contents so I would love to have some more fun using YouTube. And as most of the people might know that they have lots and lots of Features that can be fun while using YouTube. All the coolest features can be viewed from the TestTube link. It has awesome features and YouTube are upgrading those features over time.
- YouTube Slam
- Comedy Slam
Its so much fun getting involved in a game where you can watch funny videos and vote it. Get as more points as you want by voting a video. - Cute Slam
Similarly vote the cutest one 🙂 - Bizarre Slam
- Comedy Slam
- YouTube Leanback + YouTube Remote Android App
This on is my best portion. Just sitting back and click the characters on the menu and enjoy the without typing by hands. Feels like the dream has came true. - Youtube Music Directory
Finding just the music have been so easier. - Feather
Well if you don’t like the heavy version of YouTube, just get it enabled and enjoy the feather version of it. - Movies
Movies have no word, just enjoy it. 🙂