Well we may be noticing that there has been lots and lots of changes on Facebook. The most annoying change that we have ever faced is its the Chat. I have already given a tutorial on old fb chat. But still lots and lots of people complained about that and they changed it quite a better with scroll down feature with More Friends Online, so that the people online can be found easily. But the stickiness of the chat is still annoying. People have started using third party software/addons on their browsers. People would surely liked to get noticed that their Cookie/Sessions can be taken from such third party software.
Tag: online
[HOWTO] Earn money online easily
Dear friends,
We are in a great dilemma because of the money. Some people are from the lower background while some people may be from higher background. But the fact is that money attracts everyone. I am also attracted towards money. Some of the people reading might be a Student, a job seeker, teacher. But the problem is we need money to stand forward. So I am here today to teach the easy step for earning money so that you should not rely on others for the money and live an independent life. There are several processes earning money online. But every process cost some of your valuable time, as I want to earn money. I am writing this article wasting my valuable time for you to earn some more from you. Yes what I mean is I am earning money from you, yes particularly from you. So loosing my valuable time writing articles for you makes me earn something.
So what you learn is “The money attracts money”, cause “my time=money” and loosing some time earns me some money. Lets get more deeper. I will not feed you with the spoon but you need to think about how you may eat the food by yourself.